May 31, 2020

June 2020 Monthly Goals

Many many posts ago in Reflection of 2016 & New goals for 2017, I reflected on the previous year and talked about setting myself 3 new goals each month.  Some were good months and others were bad.  And, I thought it was a good idea to bring them back.  However, I'm doing them a bit differently this time around.  At the beginning of each month, I will share my goals with you because life throws you so many curve balls that some of the goals I set myself for the future may not be relevant.  And at the end of the month, I will share how I did.  Nonetheless, here are some of my previous posts if you would like to read.  Jan'17Feb'17Mar'17May'17June'17July'17 , Sept'17

For the month of June, I want to try being more productive within myself and of course better myself too.  So the goals I decided are...

1.  Cutting out potatoes ||  I love potatoes and I mean love.  Back in October/November, I was really good at not eating fries, but once thanksgiving came around I forgot what eating healthy was.  I eat a lot of carbs and I do have to admit that potatoes are my number one carb and its not healthy for ME.  At the end of the day, I'm my own enemy and I'm only cheating myself.  So I feel by cutting out potatoes, I'm going to be benefiting from it. 
2.  Do Zumba every day  ||  I was told I need to be more active for my own health.  Back in the day,  the gym I used to go to had Zumba classes.  Those classes were killers sometimes, or maybe I'm just THAT outta shape.  Anywho, the other day I did a 30 minute Zumba dance/workout that I found on Youtube and it had me going.  I had forgotten how good Zumba made me feel plus I love dancing, so I wouldn't see why I can't do 30-60 min workouts every day for the month of June.  Plus closing my rings on my activity on my Apple Watch motivates me. 
3.  Paying off a loan ||  I'm in a lot of school loan debt and credit cards as well, but I have this one loan that's a pain in the ass.  I took out the loan last year to pay for my school, but it's coming to the point where its dragging and affecting my wallet.  I have to pay the loan twice a month and the rate is up the ass too.  Luis and I looked into my debt to see which one is better to pay off faster, so my goal this month is to pay off the loan I took last year.  AND making sure I never take out another loan like that. 

I feel like cutting out potatoes maybe be difficult.  I don't always eat potatoes since for the majority of the time we eat at home, but those days where we are running around doing errands is where I'm going to have a hard time. My 3 goals for the month of June sound reasonable to start off potentially something great for myself.   The only thing is now is to see how I do at the end of the month.  Have a nice Sunday and I hope you have a good start to your month. 

Thank you, 