May 23, 2018

Summer 18 Bucket List

Today was my last day of exams and spring semester is now over, thank goodness. Now that I'll have time these upcoming months, I've decided to make myself a little Summer 18 bucket list because why not? A short but reasonable list of things I've been wanting to do; and a couple of these events have been talked about already and I'm excited. But I will be taking a summer course and possibly work two jobs, so let's see how this goes. 

Baseball game
Cosmic bowling
Hiking (sight seeing)
Ice Cream Museum
Pick a movie w. my roommates
Roommates roadtrip
Wine tasting

Do you have any fun summer plans? Comment down below. Other than that, I hope you all have a nice summer. 


  1. Congrats on finishing another semester! *clap clap clap* I hope you get to accomplish your summer bucket list. It's so nice seeing you post again.

    Disneyland is definitely on my buckets list and a few museums. Have you ever gone to the Disney Family Museum in San Francisco? If you haven't you should definitely add it to your bucket list.

    Pepper | Peppermintheart

    1. Thank you, thank you!

      I've actually never heard of the Disney Family Museum, I'm going to have that to my list.

      Thank you Imelda. (:
