January 17, 2018

Hello 2018

Hello 2018,

We are weeks into the new year and somethings never change. No new year, new me bullshit. Its more like new year, better me! I reflected on 2017, here. I made a list of 7 items that I would like to work on. Of course, these are things that are reasonable and in hope to help me better myself and my everyday life.
  1. Build a new wardrobe || I am currently working on a new wardrobe because I felt like my pieces of clothing are old and I often feel like I repeated many outfits; which there is nothing wrong in doing so. I just need a new style that represents me, and that can help me drift away from t-shirts. Yes, I've been pinteresting! 
  2. Go to the Gym || I've been having a gym membership since October 2017 and I honestly probably only went a total of 10 days in 2017. In the past couple of weeks I've decided to dedicate more time to the gym. I need it anyways, *eye roll emoji* So, I hope I can keep this up. 
  3. Pick my arguments || I wouldn't like to say I like to argue, but I do tend to argue, A LOT! You have no idea! But I do agree, that somethings are not even worth arguing or even wasting my time on. So, I definitely need to work on picking my arguments along with thinking twice before speaking.
  4. Save money || Biiiiiitch, in 2017 I literally spend my money on anything and everything, no joke! It was pretty bad. I always said I was "Broke Happy" after a big purchase; which I was but damn. Majority of my money was spent on food and makeup last year. This year I am trying to save money and only buy things if I NEED it. More NEEDS less WANTS. 
  5. Self care || More "ME TIME," no explanation. 
  6. Travel outside of California || In 2017, I did three big trips and I need more! I've been wanting to go on more travels. I love to see and experience different areas, cultures, food and scenery! I already have places and potential dates in mind, but everything is in the works. If you have any recommendations, let me know. 
  7. Work on my time management || This is a huge problem of mine. When I don't manage my time well I end up frustrated, stressed, and angry. I'll sometimes just lay down and not even sleep or cry. My time management is very poor and its definitely something I need to work on this year. 

With the being said, I hope you have goals for yourself this year and achieve them and if you do have goals for yourself, what are they? <3


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